
St David's Bradbury Day Centre in Edinburgh outside the centre in Newtongrange

What makes us different / better?

St. David’s Bradbury Day Centre is an established voluntary organisation with a high reputation for providing a welcoming, stimulating, non-institutional social and health care service for frail older people with multiple mental health/physical problems such as stroke and dementia, their carers and extended families.

Elf & Safety Team

Social activities

  • We provide specially developed premises situated at the heart of the community
  • Listening and responding to the needs of the services users and their carers
  • Undertake consultation meetings with service users on a quarterly basis to ensure that the day care service is developed appropriately
  • Open seven days a week
  • Providing opportunities for service users to develop their interests and skills
  • Rehabilitation of service users
  • Active promotion of independence which together with rehabilitation allows service users to make the most of their capabilities and to minimise their dependence on others.
  • Well trained staff team & volunteers
  • A good network of support services and information
  • Providing opportunities to socialise and have fun
  • Making representations on behalf of elderly people
  • Providing Carers with support and daytime respite
  • Providing transport with a trained passenger assistant to and from the Centre each day for those residing within the transport catchment area.
  • Promoting local health initiatives