Welcome to St. David’s Bradbury Day Centre
The Centre is open 7 days a week providing a full day care service for up to 140 elderly people, we are the only Day Centre in Midlothian providing this service.
St. David’s was initially set up as a housebound club in March 1988 to provide a social club with transport for elderly housebound people in the Midlothian area. The club initially operated one afternoon a week in the lounge of St Anne’s Sheltered Housing Complex. As the membership increased a further day was secured at the local Community Centre enabling the club to open two days a week. The club continued to operate from both venues for several years. To accommodate the ever increasing needs of the elderly population, the club changed its name to St David’s Cottage Day Centre and moved to its present location, 57 St David’s, Newtongrange, a miners cottage in September 1994 and opened 4 days a week.
In 2002 a campaign was launched to raise funds to extend and refurbish the building. The success of the campaign resulted in 2 disabled toilets, conservatory, larger office and a small general purpose room. This enabled greater freedom of movement for people with mobility issues and promoted a wider range of individual choice as a greater range of activities could be provided. The Centre opened 5 days a week.
In 2006 St. David’s once again changed its name to honour one of the major funders for the building and is now known as St. David’s Bradbury Day Centre. In February 2006, the organisation registered as a Company Ltd by Guarantee governed by a Board of Directors.
The demand for day care places at St. David’s continued to rise and as from May 2011, the Centre opened seven days a week providing a full day care service for up to 140 elderly people, this has proven to be very successful and we are the only Day Centre in Midlothian providing this service.

25th Anniversary Party, 8 July 2013
“Our many recent developments have enabled the Day Centre to become one of excellence for present and future generations of elderly people.”

What We Do
The day centre offers a wide and varied programme of social activities encouraging service users to pursue new interests or resume interest that they have had in the past.

Events & Activities
Check out the latest events and activities we have lined up.